A Very Country Christmas: A Free Christmas Short Story

A Very Country Christmas: A Free Christmas Short Story - Zara Stoneley Charlotte Brinkley has a small intimate Christmas dinner planned with her finance this year, in hopes that he will present her with a long awaited engagement ring. The trouble is she can’t seem to help herself from inviting half the village to join them.

I really enjoyed this introduction to Tippermere. A crazier more lovable cast of characters, I have rarely read. It was terrific way to battle insomnia, yet I laughed so hard and so out loud that I woke my disgruntled family up just a bit. From the crazy way that more people kept getting added to the guest list, to imagining them all squeezing into the dinner table. The pudding disaster brought tears to my eyes, because I could just feel lady Elizabeth’s frustration at the day getting away from her well planned prying. The corners were neatly filled in with the kind of small township drama that keeps the world turning. This is a place and a group of people that I would seriously enjoy reading about for a long time to come.