Echoes of Winter: A Wintery YA Short Story Collection

I am a homeschooling mom to an autistic son who was reminded by the most wonderful woman in the world to that I needed to take some time to do something just for me and since reading is my only superpower my book blog, "I Read What You Write", was born. While my own serious health issues have kept it relatively low key, discussing books with authors and other book lovers has been a major source of energy for me over the last few years. Realizing that I tend to focus on the wonder of kids books (probably a growing fear of empty nest syndrome) I spun off a new blog, https://ireadkidsbooksjournal.wordpre...
I read all I can and I love to talk about books. So let's be friends! Drop by and let's talk about a book, any book. New books, Old books, Kids books, Your books